We are the leading software provider for insurance tracking, compliance, and policy issuance.
Teneo Software Solutions specializes in collateral protection insurance tracking and lender-placed software systems.

We offer both web-enabled and Windows network applications
Our systems do not require any expensive equipment and can be run on hardware from stand alone PC to a large network spread across large geographic areas.
Auto and mortgage insurance tracked in one system
User defines insurance types tracked by lender
EDI import programs increase productivity of key entry staff
Table-driven uninsured notice cycles are maintained by the client
Uninsured reports can be emailed in PDF or Microsoft Excel readable format
Variable number of notices and timing based on collateral type
Adhoc reporting is available for loan and insurance status
Custom impairment letters are set up and maintained by client
Automated Deficiency Tracking and Force Placement
Custom notice text and logos. Borrower Email Notification

Convenient side-by-side document entry on dual screens
Document images can be scanned or imported from various sources including PDF format
Images can be retrieved from within the system or from the Web-based lender inquiry program
Document ID is fed to insurance tracking system from imaging system, reducing key strokes
User can email and print images during key entry process
Images can be placed in research bins and posted later
All-in-one system for GAP, mortgage and automobile policy issuance
Maintain records of paid policies
Cancellation entry based on variable refund methods
Premium statement of account
Web-enabled version allows point-of-sale policy issuance by outside parties
Adhoc reporting is available to the user for premium transaction and policy status
From Receivable aging, policy printing, agent commission tracking, to company reporting

Automated and trackable claims process
Clients process and pay their own claims
Expense payments and claim settlement checks can be issued
Claim payments are tracked for company reporting and statistical analysis
Claim loss and transaction codes are table-driven
Adhoc reporting is available to the user for claim information
Automated claim worksheets

Ready to get started?
Connect with us to request for a demo and for all other enquiries. We look forward to hearing from you!
3326 Longmire Drive
College Station, TX 77845